
牛POU1F1-exon2多态性与部分线性和乳用性状相关研究 被引量:3

Study on Correlation of POU1F1-exon2 Polymorphisms and Partial Linear and Milk Traits in Cattle
摘要 利用PCR-SSCP技术,研究弗莱维赫牛和蒙贝利亚牛POU1F1-exon2多态性,分析其对部分线性评分性状和乳用性状之间的影响.结果表明,POU1F1-exon2存在两个等位基因——C和T.在该位点上基因频率分别为0.8426/0.1574,0.9032/0.0968.并且这两个群体均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P<0.05.)TT基因型体重和体高的均值高于CT和CC基因型均值(P<0.05),而CT基因型均值高于CC基因型均值(P<0.05.)CC和CT基因型腹围均值显著高于TT基因型均值(P<0.05.)TT基因型强壮度和乳用性均值均显著高于CT基因型均值和CC基因型均值(P<0.05.)TT、CT基因型的产奶量均值显著高于CC基因型均值(P<0.05.) By PCR-SSCP technology,polymorphism of POU1F1-exon2 and its correlation between partial linear and dairy traits was analyzed in Fleckvieh and Montbeliarde Cattle.The results analysis showed that,POU1F1-exon2 had two alleles-C and T.In the sites,the gene frequencies were 0.8426/0.1574,0.9032/0.0968.And the two groups wee at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P0.05.) For body weight and body height,TT genotypic mean average was higher than CT and CC genotypic mean average(P0.05,) while the CT genotypic mean average was higher than CC genotypic mean average(P0.05.) For the abdomen,CC and CT genotypic mean average were significantly higher than TT genotypic mean average(P0.05.) TT genotypic mean average and CT genotypic mean average were higher than CC genotypic mean average in the strong degree and dairy character(P0.05.) For milk production,TT and CT genotypic mean average was higher than CC genotypic mean average(P0.05.)
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第5期530-534,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2008BADB2B03) 国家自然科学基金(30860186) 内蒙古自然基金(200607010510) 内蒙古人才基金 内蒙古民族大学硕士科研启动基金
关键词 POU1F1基因 线性性状 PCR-SSCP 弗莱维赫牛 蒙贝利亚牛 POU1F1 gene linear trait PCR-SSCP Fleckvieh cattle Montbeliard cattle
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