与常见的数据库相比,嵌入式数据库具有体积小、功能齐备、可移植、健壮性强等特点.本文分析和比较了典型的嵌入式数据库技术Berkeley DB Java Edition和Apache Derby,从结构、开发语言、对象持久化方法、操作数据方式等角度对二者进行了分析,比较异同点,最后列举了Apach Derby的应用方法。
Compared with the normal database,the embedded database has some distinct featurns,such as small volume,necessary functions,protability,robustness and so on.This paper analyses and compare the Berkeley DB Java Edition with Apache Derby,including architecture,developing language,Object persistence methods,database management and so on.And then,the author discuss the difference between Berkeley DB Java Edition with Apache Derby.At lase,there is an example of the Apache Derby application.
Control & Automation