
上颌中切牙种植体全瓷基台的计算机辅助设计 被引量:2

A computer aided design approach of all-ceramics abutment for maxilla central incisor
摘要 目的 探索建立上颌中切牙种植体全瓷基台计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件功能模块.方法 选择1副右上中切牙缺失、已行种植的工作模型,通过三维激光扫描,直接获取愈合基台(牙合)面、种植体-基台连接底座定位突、人工牙龈内壁(牙合)1/3部分、近远中邻牙以及对(牙合)牙表面三维数据.通过空间几何变换,间接获取种植体长轴、基台-底座结合平面数据.设计最终全冠,应用定向数据偏置等功能模块对全冠进行虚拟回切,设计基台龈上部分.最后应用基于边界曲率特征的双端扫掠曲面造型等功能模块设计基台穿龈部分.结果 建立了一条上颌中切牙种植体全瓷基台CAD路线,确定了三维图形学功能函数及其组合,实现了完整的设计流程.结论 初步建立了上颌中切牙种植体全瓷基台CAD软件平台. Objective To establish the computer aided design (CAD) software platform of individualized abutment for the maxilla central incisor. MethodsThree-dimentional data of the incisor was collected by scanning and geometric transformation. Data mainly included the occlusal part of the healing abutment, the location carinae of the bedpiece, the occlusal 1/3 part of the artificial gingiva's inner surface,and so on. The all-ceramic crown designed in advanced was "virtual cutback" to get the original data of the abutment's supragingival part. The abutment's in-gum part was designed to simulate the individual natural tooth root. The functions such as "data offset", "bi-rail sweep surface" and "loft surface" were used in the process of CAD. ResultsThe CAD route of the individualized all-ceramic abutment was set up. The functions and application methods were decided and the complete CAD process was realized. Conclusions The software platform was basically set up according to the requests of the dental clinic.
出处 《中华口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期631-634,共4页 Chinese Journal of Stomatology
基金 基金项目:“十一五”国家科技支撑计划(2007BAI18806) 北京市科技新星计划(2008A009)
关键词 计算机辅助设计 牙种植体 牙桥基 Computer-aided design Dental implants Dental abutments
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