目的:探讨吸气相动态及静态压力容积(P-V)线曲折点的相关性和应用价值。方法:比较绵羊急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)模型,在呼气末正压(PEEP)为0 kPa(ZEEP)、静态 P-V曲线曲折点对应压力作为 PEEP(曲折点PEEP及曲折点PEEP-0.294kPa和曲折点PEEP个0.294 kPa时的动静态P-V曲线曲折点的存在及相关性。结果:在不同水平的PEEP条件下,曲折点压力、容积及Sb/Sa间均有很好的相关性(P<0.05)。结论:在绵羊ARDS模型中,动静态P-V曲线曲折点有很好的相关性,可较好地对肺泡复张程度进行量化测量,使判定最佳PEEP的方法更加方便简捷。
To find the judging method and correlation of point-inflection on static and dynamic pressure-volume(P-V) curve. Method:The exist state of point-inflection were compared at different PEEP levels including zero PEEP,minimal pre- ssure which made the point-inflection disappeared (inflection- PEEP ), inflection- PEEP - 0. 294kPa (3cm H_2O ), and inflec- tion-PEEP + 0.294 kPa(3 cm H_2 O). Results:On ARDS sheep model, dynamic and static P-V curve, Sb/Sa,pressure inflec- tion,and volume-inflection had very good correlation(P<0.05). Conclusion: It is more convenient and correct using dynam- ic point-inflection to stead static point-inflection and to judge the state of alveoli recruitment.
Tianjin Medical Journal