对30例神经外科择期手术体温正常患者术中影响体温变化的因素进行观察。在国麻醉期持续监测体温、室温及相对湿度,记录液体输注量及尿量。结果显示,当室温≤24℃、手术时间> 5小时、输注室温下人液量≥(651±121)ml/h时,可导致意外低体温。所以,麻醉中体温监测是必不可少的。
Objective: To investigate the factors which cause the low body-temperature during neurosurgical operations.Method: 30 cases of neurosurgical patients with normal temperature were observed during anesthesia, the ho temperature, room tem- perature and relative humidity were monitored continuously. Meanwhile, the volume of fluid infusion at temperature and urinary output were recorded.Results:When the room temperature was lower than 24℃, the duration of operation was more than 5 hours, and the volume of fluid infusion in room temperature was about (65±121 )ml/h, the unexpected hypot- hermia occurred. Therefore, the body temperature monitoring is essential during anesthesia.
Tianjin Medical Journal