
基于终端角度约束的自适应鲁棒制导律设计 被引量:1

Adaptive Robust Guidance Law Design with Impact Angle Constraint
摘要 针对空地导弹攻击地面目标的末制导问题,提出了一种新的基于终端角度约束的自适应鲁棒制导律;基于末制导中二维弹目相对运动学关系,考虑目标的运动特性,建立了描述弹目相对运动的数学模型;基于零化弹目视线角速率的思想,并将目标机动运动和系统结构摄动作为外部扰动,以命中点终端姿态角跟踪误差为性能指标,设计得到了非线性自适应鲁棒制导律,同时该方法利用Lya-punov稳定理论严格证明了制导系统的全局渐近稳定性;数字仿真表明这种制导律在不需要任何目标运动信息的情况下,仍然保证终端角度和制导精度的要求,具有很强的鲁棒性和适应性。 A new adaptive terminal guidance with robustness is purposed based on impact angle constraint according to the case of air-to-surface missile attacking the target.Target acceleration and system perturbation are regarded as an exogenous disturbance,the mathematic dynamic model is bult acoording to two-dimensional relationship between missile and target.Based on the performance index of minimizing the terminal angular constraint tracking error and the method of zeroing the rate of line-of-sight(LOS) angle,a nonlinear adaptive robust guidance law is designed,at same time the asymptotic stability of guidance system is proven by Lyapunov stability theory.Finally simulation results show that the guidance law is more robust and both the impact angle and guidance precision are met in the case of no any target information.
作者 郭建国 周军
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期2517-2519,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 航天支撑基金项目(N8XW0001)
关键词 视线角速率 自适应 终端角度 末制导律 line of sight rate adaptive impact angle terminal guidance
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