
基金会治理的法律道路——《基金会管理条例》为何遭遇“零适用”? 被引量:25

Legal Rules'Impacts on the Governance Mechanism of Foundations in China
摘要 通过选择财产权构造、绩效观察度、资源依赖度和公共关联度来建立基金会治理机制的分析框架,并就相关要素如何影响法律规范的配置进行了研究。对全国性基金会年报资料的研究表明,中国基金会与政府的"非对称依赖关系"正在被打破,政府同时是社会慈善市场的推动者、监管者和垄断者,由此需要导入司法审查,建立多中心主义的法律治理模式。首先,未来的中国民法典需要借助"转介条款"实现公法规范与私法规范的对接;其次,强制性和禁止性规范的配置要以保护公众知情权为中心;最后,配置诱致性规范以激励基金会主动接受外部监督。 This paper chose four elements including property fight, performance, resources and public interests to es- tablish the framework which analyzes the governance mechanism of foundations first, and then studied how these elements influence legal rules. According to statistical data of fifty national foundations in China, the so - called "asymmetric dependence" relationship between China's foundations and the government is broken and thus the governmental acts as the propellant, regulator and monopolist respectively; therefore, we need to construct a polycentrie governance model for foun- dations. First, the future Civil Code of PRC should exert "transferable clauses" to link up private and public law rules ; second, obligatory and prohibitive regulation should be allocated to protect the public's right to be informed; furthermore, we need induced regulation to inspire foundations to positively accept the external supervision.
作者 税兵
机构地区 南京大学法学院
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期125-136,共12页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
关键词 基金会 治理机制 民法典 非对称依赖 多中心主义模式 foundation governance mechanism Civil Code asymmetric dependence polycentric model
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