
树脂粘接剂界面粘接性能的影响因素 被引量:3

The influencing factors of the bond strength of resin adhesive
摘要 树脂粘接剂与牙体组织形成良好的粘接是牙体粘接修复的前提。树脂牙本质粘接存在较多影响因素,粘接剂自身存在的聚合收缩、溶解等不足,牙体组织的处理方式,临床操作过程及宿主因素等都可影响粘接,导致粘接界面完整性破坏、产生微渗漏、降低界面稳定性。如何提高粘接质量,延长粘接界面的耐久性成为树脂牙本质粘接的研究方向。本文就影响粘接剂界面粘接性能的影响因素作一综述。 The favorable adhesion between the tooth and the resin adhesive was the crucial part in the adhesive domain. There were many influencing factors that affected the interface integrity,such as the disadvantages of the polymerization shrinkage and dissolution of the adhesive,the treatment of the tooth,the clinical manipulation and the host factor,resulting the failure of adhesive interface,microleakage and instability. It has been the research orientation about improving the bonding quality and durability of the resin-dentin adhesion. In this review,we summarized the influencing factors of the bond strength of resin adhesive.
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 2010年第6期677-680,共4页 International Journal of Stomatology
关键词 树脂粘接剂 聚合收缩 单体 混合层 resin adhesive polymerization monomer hybrid layer
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