
下一代星载原子钟的新发展 被引量:3

The New Developments of Next Generation on-board Atomic Clocks
摘要 高性能原子钟尤其是星载原子钟,在卫星导航定位系统中起着非常重要的作用。卫星导航定位系统的更新和发展要求更高精度、更小型化的新型星载原子钟。介绍了新物理原理和先进技术以及在新一代卫星导航定位系统和空间科学实验中有应用前景的新型原子钟的产生、发展以及它们目前的研究进展。 In satellite navigation and positioning system, the high performance atomic clocks, especially on-board atomic clocks, take an important place. The regeneration and new development of the satellite navigation and positioning system need more precision space atomic clocks. This paper introduces new creations and development progresses of novel a- tomic clocks using new physical mechanism and advanced technology, which could have application perspective for next generation of satellite navigation and position system and for the development of space scientific experiment system.
出处 《全球定位系统》 2010年第5期1-5,共5页 Gnss World of China
关键词 卫星导航定位系统 新型星载原子钟 稳定度 Satellite navigation and positioning system new on-board atomic clock developmenl progress
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