

Preparation and Spectral Properties of Er^(3+):CaO-La_2O_3-B_2O_3 Glass
摘要 采用传统的熔融冷却技术制备了Er3+:CaO-La2O3-B2O3(Er:CLB)玻璃。玻璃的转变温度为647℃,析晶起始温度741℃。测试了样品的红外光谱、吸收光谱和发射光谱。Er:CLB玻璃在790 nm和970 nm附近均存在吸收峰,与AlGaAs和InGaAs激光二极管输出波长吻合。Er:CLB玻璃在1 530 nm附近存在一个宽的发射带,带宽为51 nm,其荧光寿命大约为0.365 ms。 Er3+:CaO-La2O3-B2O3(Er:CLB) glass has been prepared by conventional melt quenching technique.The glass transition and the crystallization onset temperature are 647 ℃ and 741 ℃,respectively.The FT-IR,absorption and emission spectra have been measured.There exist two absorption bands around 790 nm and 970 nm,which coincide with the output wavelengths of AlGaAs and InGaAs lasers diode.There is a broad emission band of Er:CLB glass around 1531 nm with a full-width at half-maximum of 51 nm,and its lifetime is 0.365 ms.
作者 郭锐 万明
出处 《南昌大学学报(理科版)》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第5期483-485,共3页 Journal of Nanchang University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20703023 20963007)
关键词 Er3+:CaO-La2O3-B2O3 硼酸盐玻璃 光谱特性 Er3+:CaO-La2O3-B2O3 borate glass spectral properties
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