

Delay and Breakthrough on Treatment of the Non-performing Assets of State-owned Banks in a Perspective of Interest Groups
摘要 在特定历史背景和体制约束下,本文从利益集团的视角来探求经济危机加快国有银行不良资产处置的一般机理。研究表明:利益集团对"公地"性质的国有银行信贷资金的寻租与不合作是改革拖延的原因,而经济危机和银行体制转换压力促使国有银行不良资产处置的突破;利益集团之间议价能力的悬殊影响拖延的长短,只有制衡和协调利益集团才能加快国有银行针对不良资产的体制改革。 Under the specific historical background and institutional constraints, this article discusses the mechanism that the fi- nancial crisis can speed up the treatment on non-performing assets (NPA) of state-owned banks (SOB) in a perspective of inter- est groups. The study shows that the interest groups chase rent-seeking and defect on the credit funds of SOB that can explain the delay, the reform breakthrough is actuated by the economic crisis and the banking system transformation pressure; the disparity of bargaining ability between the interest groups affect length of delay, only to balance and cooperate between the interest groups, can we accelerate the reform on SOB of NPA.
作者 李世尧
出处 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第6期40-46,共7页 Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Social Science Edition
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题重大项目(09CGJJ001Z)"危机冲击下经济体制转型突破机理研究" 浙江财经学院2008级研究生校级科研项目"中国医保改革的拖延与突破分析"
关键词 利益集团 国有银行不良资产 突破 博弈 interest groups NPA of SOB breakthrough game
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