
离散相关函数在Blazar天体中的应用 被引量:6

Applying the Discrete Correlation Function to Blazar Object
摘要 对Edelson和Krolik提出的离散相关分析方法进行了研究,用模拟信号进行了检验,结果表明这是一种比较切实可行的方法。把这种方法应用到类星体3C273的光变周期分析、各波段之间的延时分析和相关性分析中。结果表明:3C273的周期为12.88年左右,其它文献也得到了相似的结论;在延时分析中,3C273的光学波段(U波段)超前于8GHz和37GHz,22GHz超前于8GHz,37GHz超前于15GHz;3C273在红外和光学波段、光学和X射线波段、X射线和射电波段都有较好的相关性,在光学和射电波段的相关性较差。最好,我们还对DCF方法和线性回归方法进行了比较,指出了它在天文数据处理中的优势。 We discuss the method of discrete correlation function supposed by Edelson and Krolik and the method is tested with modeling signals.The results indicate that the DCF method is feasible.The method has been applied to analyze the period、the time lag and the correlation of quasar 3C273.The results are as follows :The period of 3C273 is about 12.88yr,which is consistent with other documents;in the analysis of the time lag,optical band(U—Band) of 3C273 is ahead of 8Ghz and 37GHz,22GHz is ahead of 8GHz,and 37GHz is ahead of 15GHz;the correlations between the infrared and optical、optical and X—ray and X—ray and radio are good,but the correlation between the optical and radio are not as good.At last,we compare discrete correlation function method with linear regression method and point out the advantage of DCF method in the analysis of astronomical data.
作者 王兴华 张雄
出处 《云南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第6期25-33,共9页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:10760032)
关键词 DCF方法 类星体—3C273 周期 延时 相关 DCF method quasar 3C273 period time lag correnlation
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