随着高炉煤气干法除尘净化技术的不断成熟和干法运行带来的效益的提升,建设干法除尘越来越受到铁厂的青睐。2009年太钢也对4350 m3高炉煤气除尘系统进行改造,并于8月投产。煤气余压透平发电(TRT)机组也进行必要的改造,并同时实现干法运行。
With continuous maturity of the dry dusting and purification technology of blast furnace gas and benefit increasing of the dry process,iron works show more and more interests in the dry process.Taigang reconstructed the gas dusting system of 4350m3 blast furnace in 2009 and the system went into operation in August.Requisite reconstruction was made on the TRT unit and the dry process was used.
Metallurgical Power