
形变热处理对2197铝锂合金组织和性能的影响 被引量:4

Effect of thermo-mechanical treatment on microstructure and mechanical property of 2197 Al-Li alloy
摘要 对2197合金进行形变热处理,通过力学性能试验和TEM观察分析了不同时效阶段合金的力学性能和微观组织,研究了形变热处理对2197合金的组织和性能影响,结果表明:形变热处理2197合金峰时效时主要析出相为尺寸为50~150nm分布均匀的T1相。形变热处理为T1相的非均匀形核提供了优越的形核场所,促进了T1相的析出及长大,减少了2197合金达到峰时效的时间;长宽比较大的T1相的强化效果大于δ′相和θ′相,形变热处理还可以提高2197合金的峰时效强度。 For thermo-mechanical treated 2197 alloy of various states,effects of thermo-mechanical treatment on the mechanical properties and microstructure of 2197 alloy are studied through analyzing the mechanical properties in tensile tests and observing the microstructures by TEM observation.Results show that the dominating precipitated phase of peak-aged 2197 alloy during thermo-mechanical treatment is T1 phase,the size of which is 50~150nm.The precipitation and growth of T1 phase are accelerated due to the excellent nucleation sites of heterogeneous nucleation for T1 phase offered by thermo-mechanical treatment,therefore,the time for 2197 alloy to reach the peak-aged state is shortened.The strength of 2197 alloy for peak-aged state is increased through thermo-mechanical treatment because the strengthening effect of T1phase with higher aspect ratio is bigger than that of δ'and θ' phases.
出处 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期66-69,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University
基金 国防科工委'十五'重点资助项目(MKPT-2004-19ZD)
关键词 2197 AL-LI合金 形变热处理 微观组织 力学性能 T1相 2197 Al-Li alloy thermo-mechanical treatment microstructure mechanical properties T1 phase
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