
基于三维区域生长算法的脑灰质提取方法的研究 被引量:5

Method of extract ectocinerea based on three-dimensional region growing
摘要 目的探求从头颅磁共振成像(MRI)图像中提取出大脑灰质图像的方法。方法采用阈值分割预处理MRI图像,人工选择种子点、采用18-邻域的三维区域生长从头颅MRI图像中提取脑灰质图像,最终用腐蚀和膨胀算法弥补区域生长算法的不足。结果利用此方法对5套MRI数据进行操作,取得了满意的分割效果;使用VTK提供的面绘制算法对提取出的脑灰质图像进行三维重建,得到了高质量的大脑皮层图像。结论该方法能够得到满意的大脑灰质提取效果。 Objective To discuss a method for extracting ectocinerea from brain magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) image.Methods Threshold segmentation was used to preprocess the MRI images.The seed point was artificial selected.An 18-neighborhood three-dimensional(3D) region growing algorithm was used to extract ectocinerea from MRI;Finally,an erosion and dilation algorithm was applied to make up for the shortage of region growing.Results Five sets of MRI images were used,and achieved satisfactory ectocinerea images.The ectocinerea images were 3D reconstructed by means of surface rendering algorithm provided by VTK,and the high-quality cerebral cortex images were obtained.Conclusion It is demonstrated that the method can obtain satisfactory extraction of ectocinerea.
出处 《生物医学工程与临床》 CAS 2010年第6期489-493,共5页 Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Medicine
关键词 磁共振成像 脑灰质 三维区域生长 腐蚀算法 膨胀算法 magnetic resonance imaging ectocinerea three-dimensional region growing erosion algorithm dilation algorithm
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