
文化人类学视野下的“徐州琴书王家班”叙事 被引量:2

Narration of "Xuzhou Qinshu Wangjia Troupe" in the Vision of Cultural Anthropology
摘要 徐州琴书是江苏省三大曲种之一,与北京琴书、山东琴书合称为中国三大琴书。它是在明清小曲的基础上,经过小曲儿、小唱儿、瞎腔、丝弦、扬琴等几个阶段演变发展而成的,至今已有300多年的历史,于20世纪50年代定名。徐州琴书主要是结合【凤阳歌】和【垛子板】等曲牌,用徐州方言演唱中长篇曲目。其流行地区是以徐州为中心,辐射苏北、鲁南、豫东、皖北等地,甚至在香港、台湾和南洋华人区也有一定的影响,2008年被列入第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。邳州王家班社的三位成员以演唱徐州琴书为生,是徐州琴书民间艺人的优秀代表。王家班社老少两代艺人由于时代变迁与个人的专业倾向而在艺术表现上呈现出不同的特征,班社创始人王作迎改编并创作了一些传统曲目与现代曲目,第二代成员则在唱腔与伴奏音乐上有所改进,表演形式上又借鉴吸收了洋琴戏的风格使徐州琴书的表演更丰富、生动。在访谈中获知目前徐州公办曲艺队的琴书演员只会演唱短篇曲目,只有数位民间艺人还会唱中长篇曲目。笔者由民间琴书艺人在非遗口号中所处的艰辛之状,深切感受到徐州曲艺文化的流失实质上是徐州本土文化精神的失落,并提出若干建议以期改变徐州琴书民间艺人的生存状况。 Xuzhou Qinshu,a famous Quyi form in Jiangsu province and one of the most popular Qinshu in China,evolved from Xiaoqu in Ming and Qing dynasties and was eventually denominated in 1950s.It is performed with Xuzhou dialects.Xuzhou Qinshu is very popular in Xuzhou,northern Jiangsu,southern Shandong,eastern Henan,northern Anhui,and spreads its fame into Hong Kong,Taiwan,and even Chinese district in Nanyang.In 2008,Xuzhou Qinshu was listed into the second catalogue of national intangible cultural heritage.Three members of Wangjia troupe in Pizhou living on performing Xuzhou Qinshu are excellent representatives of folk artists in this filed.Since there are transformations through the times and different professional trends,two generations of Wangjia troupe present different characteristics in artistic perform.The founder of the family troupe Wang Zuoying adapted some traditional works and created some modern melodies.The second generation innovated a great deal in aria and accompaniment,and absorb styles of Yangqin drama to enrich its perform.In the interview,I knew that actors of Xuzhou Qinshu in public Quyi troupe could only sing a few brief tunes,few folk artists could memorize classic tunes.I observe the hardships folk artist of Xuzhou Qinshu experienced,and strongly realized that it is a spiritual loss of Xuzhou local culture in the drain of Xuzhou Quyi culture.Therefore,the present article proposes some ideas to improve the survival situation of folk artists of Xuzhou Qinshu.
作者 于雅琳
出处 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期142-145,252,共5页 Hundred Schools In Arts
基金 2009年度江苏省哲学社会科学基金项目"徐州琴书的历史沿革与现状研究"(项目编号09YSC009)阶段性成果之一
关键词 音乐艺术 非物质文化遗产 徐州琴书 王家班 文化人类学 Music Art Intangible Cultural Heritage Xuzhou Qinshu Wangjia Troupe Cultural Anthropology
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