
英语专业测试中短文听写的听力策略培养 被引量:1

Cultivation of Listening Strategies of the Passage Diction in Testing for English Majors
摘要 听力理解过程是一个积极建构意义的过程,听者不是信息的被动接受者,而是意义的积极建构者。在听力理解过程中,尤其是英语专业短文听写中,听者对听力策略的运用与听力效果或者听力成绩有着必然的联系,系统的、成功的听力策略训练有助于听力成绩的提高。 Listening comprehension is an active course of meaning construction. Listeners are not passive infomration recipients but active meaning constructors. During the process of listening comprehension, especially in Passage Diction of English Majors, there is necessary link between the application of listening strategies and the efficacy and scores of the listening. The systematic and successful training of listening strategies contributes to the improvement of English listening scores.
出处 《长春师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2010年第6期172-175,共4页 Journal of Changchun Teachers Coliege
关键词 听力策略 短文听写 策略训练 listening strategies passage dictation strategies training
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