
诗意的生存与陶渊明 被引量:2

Poetic Survival and Tao Yuanming
摘要 诗意的生存是当今的一个热门话题,论者多是就海德格尔"诗意的栖居"立论申说,而笔者则将其视为德国思想史上的一个点,纵向地追溯其源流,横向地探寻其同道,说明诗意的生存是中西诗哲的共同追求,并不属于某一个人。在德国,它是18世纪末19世纪初浪漫派的理想,它由施勒格尔、诺瓦利斯奠立,后经荷尔德林,特别是海德格尔的阐释,成为一个著名的命题。具体说来,诗意的生存应有形而上和形而下两个维度,前者意在人生的皈依及意义,后者则指向自我生命的实现方式。其实质是通过"诗",把人类提升到最高的境界,以实现对永恒的追求。它体现了对现实的批判,对美好未来的企望,包括完善的人、完善的社会,以及人与自然的和谐等等。在中国,诗意的生存是儒道两家的共同理想,为历代士人所追求,其中的陶渊明不仅有其"思",而且有其"行",实实在在地实现了自我的诗意生存,这一点是颇有理论建树的德国诗哲所未能企及的。 Poetic existence is a hot topic today.Current standard studies address themselves to the "poetic dwelling",the famous proposition put forward by Heidegger.In this essay,we approach it in a different manner to clarify that poetic survival is an ideal shared by poets and philosophers across the world.It is attempted as follows: vertically,tracing its origins;horizontally,exploring the common goals.In Germany,"poetic survival" crystalizes the essence of the Romantic movement which appeared at the end of the eighteenth and lasted to the early nineteenth century.It was firstly advanced by Schlegel and Novalis,then developed by Holderlin,and finally culminated by Heidegger.Specifically,it is made up of two dimensions: one,the metaphysical,referring to the meaning of life;the other,the concrete,realization of one's life.Poetry makes man sublime and full of hope to the eternity.Moreover,it equips man with a sober mind towards reality and a faith to the eternity,a better future,perfect man and society,harmony between man and nature and so on.In ancient China,poetical survival was displayed by the spirits of Confucianism and Taoism.And it was embraced by intellectuals to come,one of who is Tao Yuanming.Poetry is reflected not only in his mode of thinking,but also in his behaviors.The latter dwarfs his Germany counterparts in spite of their numerous theories.
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第6期98-104,共7页 Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目<德国浪漫派与中国原生浪漫主义>(03WWB004)
关键词 诗意 生存 德国浪漫派 陶渊明 poetry survival German Romanticism Tao Yuanming
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