

Impact of Planning Metacognitive Knowledge on Writing Pre-planning Process
摘要 构思元认知知识是指写作者对构思过程的认识和了解。研究构思元认知知识对写前构思过程的影响有助于发现学生在写前构思中存在的问题。对非英语专业学生的问卷调查发现:尽管大部分学生掌握了较丰富的构思元认知知识,却无法利用该知识对写前构思过程进行有效的监测与控制,这说明老师应对学生进行大量的构思元认知训练来帮助他们深刻认识构思过程,从而更好地进行写前构思。 Planning metacognitive knowledge refers to knowledge and understanding of a writer about the planning process.Through studying the impact of the knowledge on non-English majors' pre-planning process,we can have access into students' problems in their pre-planning processes.On the basis of statistic analysis,it is founded that the subjects cannot employ their planning metacognitive knowledge to monitor and control their pre-planning process effectively,though they have comparatively rich knowledge.Consequently,it is required that teachers help students not only acquire planning metacognitive knowledge but also train them how to consciously employ it in their pre-planning process.
作者 胡靓 程瑶
出处 《安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第9期41-45,共5页 Journal of Anqing Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
关键词 构思元认知知识 非英语专业学生 写前构思过程 planning metacognitive knowledge non-English majors pre-planning process
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