
基于价格粘性的股价超调现象的理论分析与检验 被引量:4

A Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test of the Stock Price Overshooting:Based on the Price Stickiness
摘要 文章通过将价格粘性和金融资产价格引入货币数量模型,从理论上论证了在价格粘性下,一次性货币供给的冲击将使金融资产价格处于短期超调状态,而持续性的、同方向的货币供给冲击以及投资者的预期自我实现共同作用,将使金融资产价格在较长时期内处于累积性的超调状态,由此而形成金融资产价格与基本面相背离的"剪刀差"现象。基于我国统计数据的实证检验表明:股价与M1之间存在协整关系和互为因果关系,股价对M1冲击存在1期滞后和先升后降的脉冲响应;股价与M2及股价之间不存在因果关系。 By introducing price stickiness and financial asset prices into the model of money quantity, the paper argues that the nonrecurring money supply will lead to the short-term overshooting of financial asset prices under the condition of price stickiness, and the combined action of the same continuous direction money supply and investor's expected self-actualization will bring financial asset prices into the accumulative overshooting state in the medium and long term, thus creating the phenomenon of "price scissors" , in which financial asset prices depart from the economic base. The empirical test based on China's statistical data indicates that there are co-integration relations and causality relations between stock prices and M1, and there is a one-period-lag, dropping-after-rising impulse response of stock prices on the M1 supply shocks. However, there is no causality relation between stock prices and the M2.
作者 王国松
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第11期69-76,共8页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"包含价格粘性与股价波动的货币政策规则研究"(09YJA790136) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目"货币政策 股价及实体经济间的作用机理研究"(10ZS67)
关键词 价格粘性 货币数量 股价超调 price stickiness money quantities stock price overshooting
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