

An analysis of the causes and impacts of the plight of working women during the social transition period in America (1870-1920)
摘要 1870至1920年,美国社会初步实现了从传统农业社会向现代化工业社会的巨大转型,并由此形成了一股女性就业的高潮。但是,就业女性职业生涯的短暂性,缺乏工会组织的相应保护,岗位竞争异常激烈以及美国当时的社会大环境等因素,导致就业女性在工作中遭遇到职业选择受限、劳动报酬不公、劳动时间过长和工作环境恶劣等诸多困境,并对当时的美国社会产生了较为深远的影响。 From 1870 to 1920, the United States experienced a significant social transition from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial society. This transformation created many opportunities for female employment. However, careers for working women were often a very short period, in the over competitive situation, and lacked the protection of trade union, besides, the general working environment of this era were very harsh. As a result, American working women encountered many plights during this period, such as limitations on the selection of vocations, unequal wages, long work hours, and terrible working condition. These challenged the working women and had an enormous influence on the American society during this era.
作者 杨静
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期85-91,共7页 Historical Research In Anhui
关键词 转型时期 美国 就业女性 困境 social transition period America working women plight
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