针对现代企业中计量器具管理落后的状况,以Visual C++为编程工具,运用Access数据库,采用结构化方法,开发出计量器具管理信息系统。该系统包括登录模块、查询模块、量具信息管理模块、到期检定模块和报表打印模块等。用户可根据不同的查询方式获得所需信息,方便检测部门及时了解量具状态,做出检定计划。本系统的使用将更好地实现计量器具的统一、规范管理,提高量具管理效率。
In view of the present management situation of modern enterprises,Visual C++ and the structured approach is used to design the system,and Access database is the design flat roof,a measurement information management system was developed.The management system includs the login module,query module,gauge information management module,due verification module and print module.Different users could use the different query mode to obtain the necessary information,which helps the departments to get measuring instruments information timely and make out the plan of test.The use of mangement information system will realize the unification of measurement instruments,and help to manage the gauge information better,and improve the management efficiency.
Tool Engineering