
高含硫天然气复杂地面扩散模拟研究 被引量:7

摘要 文章通过对高含硫天然气在地面的扩散过程进行软件模拟的方法,预测在钻井过程中出现天然气泄漏时气体在地面的扩散状况,从而指导高含硫天然气勘探开发工程项目的安全性评价,以及在含硫天然气意外泄漏后,制定补救与防护措施。文章研究了AERMOD和CTDMPLUS气体扩散数学模型并进行了优化处理,解决了扩散模型与GIS结合所面临的关键技术问题,在此基础上开发一套和GIS紧密结合的含硫天然气地面扩散模拟软件,并对LJ16H井喷事故实例中高含硫天然气的扩散过程进行了事后模拟,模拟结果与事故实际统计情况一致,这说明文章的理论方法及软件完全能为出现气体泄漏事故处理时,提供安全撤离区域方案。 Based on the study of diffusion models of AERMOD and CTDMPLUS,a numerical computation solution was put forward for gas diffusion in complex terrain conditions and a sulfur gas diffusion model was established and a serial of simulation software combined diffusion model and GIS technology was developed to forecast the diffusion of sulfur gas near-surface.In the model,the effect of terrain and deposition and the limited action of effective solution for acid gas in wet deposition were considered.The results of example examination indicated that the calculated data and actual conditions were more consistent.It can figure out security zone for sulfur gas leakage which is significance to develop project safety evaluation and take accident rescue measures and evaluate environmental security.
出处 《钻采工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期113-115,123,共4页 Drilling & Production Technology
基金 中石化项目"高含H2S天然气泄漏复杂地形扩散模拟软件技术(G1100-07-25-0127)"部分成果 目前软件已通过四川省信息系统工程测评中心评测(2009-2016)
关键词 高含硫化氢 扩散模式 数值模拟 三维可视化 安全评价 H2S,diffusion model,numerical simulation,three dimensional visualization,safety evaluation
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