

Review of Internet Topology Modeling
摘要 Internet拓扑模型研究经历了从随机型、层次型、幂律型到采样型的发展过程.文章对包括幂率(powerlaw)、度分布、联合度分布在内的多种Internet拓扑特征及其相应度量进行了分析,从不同角度对现有的拓扑模型和拓扑生成算法进行了比较,特别对近年来出现的采样模型中数据源、数据剪裁、动态拓扑生成算法作了研究. Studies on topology of Internet modeling have experienced the processes from the random type model,the hierarchical model,the power-law model to the sampling model.Many properties of internet topology are analyzed including power law,degree distribution and joint degree distribution.The current topology models and topology generation algorithms are compared from different perspectives.Dada source,data shrink and dynamic topology generation involved in sampling models are particularly studied.
作者 顾明霞
出处 《南通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第3期102-106,共5页 Journal of Nantong University(Natural Science Edition) 
关键词 拓扑模型 生成算法 幂率 topology model generation algorithm power law
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