
考虑谱跌的舰载设备冲击响应谱分析法 被引量:6

A spectrum method for shock response evaluation of shipboard machinery considering spectrum dip effect
摘要 在舰载机械设备的水下非接触爆炸冲击响应评估和抗冲击设计中,由给定的基础输入运动直接计算,如Duhamel积分,得出的响应谱不能作为谱分析计算输入谱,实际输入谱必须考虑"谱跌"的影响。文中结合一多自由度系统的冲击响应谱分析计算,解释了"谱跌"产生的原理,给出了"谱跌"谱的具体建立方法;运用DDAM对一推进轴系进行了冲击响应计算,得出了各轴承支撑处的最大变形,并提出了考虑推进轴转速条件下的响应谱分析方法;为检验舰载设备的抗冲能力和抗冲设计提供一种途径。 For a given base shock excitation in time domain, its shock spectrum calculated by direct integration such as Duhamel integration can not be accepted as the input spectrum when conducting a shock response spectrum analysis for some equipments and structures under that given base shock excitation. This often occurs in the UNDEX responses evaluation and anti-shock design for large-scale shipboard machinery. The fact is that the actual input spectrum should incorporate the 'spectrum dip' effect. In this paper, take the shock response spectrum analysis of a muhi-dof system as for example, the principle of 'spectrum dip' effect was explained, and how to build 'spectrum dip' spectrum was answered. A shock response analysis of a propulsion shaft was conducted by DDAM, and the maximum deformations in positions of bearing sup- ports are obtained. Finally, a method was proposed to conduct shock response calculation for propulsion shaft considering the shaft's rotating velocity.
出处 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2010年第11期1312-1318,共7页 Journal of Ship Mechanics
基金 国防"十一五"预研项目(4010106010303)
关键词 冲击响应分析 谱跌 冲击输入谱 DDAM 推进轴系 shock response analysis spectrum dip shock input spectrum DDAM propulsion shaft
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