In this paper,we give sufficient conditions to analyze the practical stability in the pth mean of stochastic differential equations with discontinuous coefficients.The Lyapunov-like function plays an important role in analysis.Some numerical computations are carried out to illustrate the theoretical results.
In this paper,we give sufficient conditions to analyze the practical stability in the pth mean of stochastic differential equations with discontinuous coefficients.The Lyapunov-like function plays an important role in analysis.Some numerical computations are carried out to illustrate the theoretical results.
The NSF (10671082) of China
the 985 Program of Jilin University,the Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education,the Postgraduate Students Innovative Fund (20080239) of Jilin University
the Research Fund (10JDG020) for High-level Group of Jiangsu University