
冷却速率对罗非鱼片冷藏品质的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Cooling Speed on the Quality of Tilapia Fillets during Cold Storage
摘要 通过四种不同的冷却方法,即冰、冰盐混合物、冰与盐水混合物和直接浸渍冷却,研究了冷却速率对罗非鱼片冷藏品质的影响。结果显示,四种冷却方法对鱼片的冷却速率大小为:直接浸渍冷却>冰与盐水混合物>冰盐混合物>冰。冷却速率越快,汁液流失率越小,鱼肉颜色、pH值、TBA值和TVB-N值越稳定。通过TVB-N值可以看出,冷却速率越快,鲜度保持的时间越长,其中直接浸渍冷却的鱼片在12d达到鲜度的上限。 Four kinds of cooling methods using ice,the mixture of ice and salt,the mixture of ice and salt solution,and direct immersion cooling were used for the tilapia fillets and the effects of cooling rates on the freshness of Tilapia fillets during cold storage were also investigated.The results showed that the highest cooling rate of tilapia fillets was achieved using immersion chilling method,followed by the used of ice-salt solution mixture,the ice-salt mixture and the ice in sequence.The faster the cooling speed was,the more stable the color,pH value,the TBA value and the TVB-N value were.Determination of TVB-N value also showed that higher cooling speed resulted in better freshness of the fillets.And the highest freshness of the fillets reached after a 12-day treatment by the method of immersion chilling.
出处 《现代食品科技》 EI CAS 2010年第11期1200-1203,1219,共5页 Modern Food Science and Technology
基金 广东省海洋渔业科技推广专项项目(A200899I03)
关键词 冷却速率 直接浸渍冷却 冰与盐水混合物 冰盐混合物 新鲜度 cooling speed immersion chilling the mixture of ice and salt water the mixture of ice and salt ice freshness
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