

EU Governance under Consociational Democracy
摘要 在当前欧盟的治理结构中,领导权在所有成员国之间按比例分配、各成员国保持着较高的自主性、所有成员国都拥有否决权,这些特点表明欧盟采取的是一种协合民主式的治理。这种协合民主对于欧盟有较好的治理效果,主要体现为维护了欧盟这一超国家权威的稳定。 Under the current EU governance,the power of leadership is distributed in proportion.All the member countries maintain substantial autonomy and are entitled the right to veto.This phenomenon points to evidence of consociational democratic governance,which is efficient and effective with satisfactory results.The main advantage of this mode is that it has kept the stability of supranational authority in EU.
作者 程同顺 高飞
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第11期49-54,共6页 Teaching and Research
关键词 协合民主 欧盟 治理 否决权 consociational democracy EU governance veto
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