
推进我国政府信息资源商业化开发的对策研究 被引量:3

On the Strategy of Promoting the Commercialized Development of Chinese Government Information Resources
摘要 文章通过考察国外主要信息资源开发企业的商业运作模式,认为信息资源商业化开发必须具备三个条件。据此,文章指出我国政府信息商业化的主要障碍在于基础信息供给不足、信息市场封闭垄断、个人隐私和商业机密保护不力,并提出我国应确立政府信息是国家战略资源、政府提供信息的价格必须合理、促进信息市场充分竞争、加强个人隐私和商业机密保护等对策建议。 Based on observation of some well - known foreign information companies, the paper puts forward three factors to exploiting information resources, points that the key obstacle to commercialization of public section information in China, including lack of basic information, monopoly of information market, deficiency of protection of privacy, proposes that government should view public sector information as national strategic resources, provide basic information in a reasonable price, promote enough competition in information market and fully protect personal privacy and commercial secret.
作者 丁波涛
出处 《情报资料工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期58-61,82,共5页 Information and Documentation Services
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金青年项目"信息资源的公共获取机制:模式 条件与对策"(编号:07CTQ012)的研究成果
关键词 政府信息资源 商业化开发 对策研究 governmental information resource, commercialization development, measure study
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