
采用随机生长四参数生成法构造黏土微观结构 被引量:32

Micro-structure of clay generated by quartet structure generation set
摘要 针对黏土微观结构复杂、构造困难的问题,采用随机生长四参数生成法构造黏土微观结构.介绍随机生长四参数生成法,构造黏土微观结构的基本原理和详细的生成步骤,联合应用Matlab和AutoCADVBA编制相应的程序,讨论构造的黏土微观结构对地下水渗流的影响.程序生成的微观结构可以直接导入有限元程序,便于采用数值分析软件研究微观结构相关问题.构造的黏土颗粒大小分布、形状各异,孔隙结构微小,迂回曲折,与真实的黏土微观结构相似. It's very difficult to construct the complex micro-structure of clay. A multi-parameter random generation-growth method, quartet structure generation set (QSGS) was introduced to model the microstructure of clay. The basic principle of QSGS was introduced, and the generation step of QSGS was con- structed. The corresponding procedures were compiled with Matlab and AutoCAD VBA. The impact of the structure of clay microstructure on groundwater seepage was discussed by a case study. The microstructure of clay generated by QSGS can be directly imported into finite element method, and many issues of the microscale can be analyzed by numerical analysis software. The size distribution, shapes, micro-pore structure, circuitous of the constructed clay particle were quite similar to the real micro-structure of clay.
出处 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期1897-1901,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Engineering Science
基金 国家"973"重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(2008CB418104)
关键词 黏土微观结构 表征体元(REV) 随机生长四参数生成法 MATLAB AUTOCAD VBA micro-structure of clay representative volume elementary (REV) multi-parameter random generation-growth method, quartet structure generation set (QSGS) Matlab AutoCAD VBA
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