
子细胞表面张力对胞质分裂中细胞间桥变形的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Daughter Cell Surface Tension on Intercellular Bridge Thinning during Cytokinesis
摘要 为了研究胞质分裂过程中子细胞表面张力与细胞间桥变形之间的联系,采用微管吸吮实验测定了正常大鼠肾上皮细胞(NRK)在细胞松弛素D(即CD)或blebbistatin作用下细胞表面张力的变化,并且采用局部施加CD的方法分析了两极子细胞表面张力非平衡状态下细胞间桥的变形曲线。研究结果认为,CD和blebbistatin均可以大幅降低细胞表面张力;整体施加blebbista-tin抑制细胞主动性收缩会导致细胞间桥变形完全受到子细胞表面张力的调控,细胞间桥变形过程反映出细胞调节整体表面张力的进程。 To probe the relation between daughter cell surface tension and intercellular bridge thinning,the change of surface tension of normal rat kidney cells(NRK) treated with cytochalasin D(CD) or blebbistatin was determined by micropipette aspiration technique and the intercellular bridge thinning trajectories of dividing cells treated with CD was analyzed to pursue the changes of intercellular bridge under unbalance daughter cell surface tension.The results show that the surface tension of cells decreased dramatically after treated with CD or blebbistatin. Daughter cell surface tension determined the trajectory of intercellular bridge thinning when the active contractile ring was inhibited by blebbistatin,and the process of regulating surface tension was detected in the trajectories of intercellular bridge thinning.
出处 《太原理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期774-778,共5页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10672114) 山西省自然科学基金资助项目(2007011011)
关键词 胞质分裂 肌动蛋白 表面张力 局部加药 细胞间桥 cytokinesis actin surface tension local application intercellular bridge
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