
我国公共机构节能“十一五”工作回顾与“十二五”政策建议 被引量:6

Review of Energy Efficiency of Public Agencies in Our Country During the 11^(th) five-year and Policy Recommendations for the 12^(th) five-year
摘要 公共机构是指全部或者部分使用财政性资金的国家机关、事业单位和团体组织。公共机构节能(又称政府机构节能)是节能工作的重要领域,对推动全社会节能减排工作具有重要的表率示范作用。本文全面回顾了我国公共机构节能工作"十一五"期间取得的成效,深入分析了当前工作中存在的问题,提出了"十二五"期间加强公共机构节能工作的政策建议。 Energy saving in public agency is an important area in China's energy efficiency.In this paper,the related policies and achievements on China's public agency energy efficiency are studied and reviewed,and the current barriers are analyzed.Finally,it proposes the policy recommendations on enhancing energy efficiency in public agency for the 12th five-year.
机构地区 能源研究所
出处 《中国能源》 2010年第11期26-29,共4页 Energy of China
关键词 公共机构节能 回顾 政策建议 Energy efficiency in public agency Policy review Policy recommendations
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