用戍二醛,4种丙烯酸树脂复鞣剂及4种防水加脂剂组合成19组对比实验。检测每一组成与猪二层绒面革可水洗性关系,包括尺寸稳定性、色牢度及手感变化。结果发现Leukotan1028+FRT-1及PR-1+lubritan WP有最小的面积变化率;Lubritan TG+Resistol P4及Lubritan TG+WWR有最好的色牢度及手感稳定性。一些国产材料的组成也满足尺寸稳定性要求。
19 groups experiments are composed of glutaral delyde 4 acrylic resin tannage and 4 water proof fating agents, some tests have been done that washable ablility, size stability, color fastness and hand feel of pig split garment suede in every groups. It was found that there is the srnallest size change rate in composes of leukotan 1028+FRT-1 and PR-1+lubritan Wp, and the strongest color fastness, the best stable hand feel in composes of lubritan TG+Resistol P4 and lubritan TG+WWR. some composes of native products display a good size stability.