针对DSP TMS320DM6437,为了实现FPGA和DSP间的串口通信,采用了其同步多通道缓冲串行口(McBSP)和增强型直接存储器存取(EDMA)。软件程序设计未使用传统的芯片支持库,而是采用McBSP Driver和EDMA LLD,实现了FPGA和DSP数据的连续双向传输,并且DSP作为接收方时采用乒乓缓存,防止数据丢失,同时利用DSP/BIOS实现了EDMA中断,可对收到的数据进行处理,保证了实时性和数据传输效率。
With the TMS320DM6437, this paper discusses the implementation of serial communication based on the chip multi-channel buffered serial port (McBSP) and enhanced direct memory access (EDMA).While the software part uses the McBSP Driver and EDMA low level lriver driver (EDMA LLD) for development instead of using traditional CSL. Finally, it realized the Ping/Pong structure and full-duplex continuous data stream transmission between FPGA and DSP, while using the DSP/BIOS realizes EDMA interrupt ,which helps processing the received data. It meets the real-time requirement and the efficiency of data transfer.
Electronic Design Engineering