

Analysis on Interfacial Crack Opening Displacement of Piezoelectric Body under Antiplane Residual Stresses
摘要 研究了在反平面残余应力作用下,双相压电体界面裂纹的裂纹尖端撕开位移COD和裂纹尖端位错塞积群的数量问题.运用Riemann-Schwarz解析延拓技术与复势函数奇性主部分析方法,获得了该问题的一般解答.数据结果表明,压电效应对界面裂纹尖端撕开位移和裂纹尖端位错塞积群的数量的影响不大,可以忽略不计,两种材料属性的差异对界面裂纹尖端撕开位移和裂纹尖端位错塞积群的数量的影响比较明显. Crack opening displacement and the numbers of screw dislocations distributed at the interfacial crack tips of a piezoelectric body were investigated.By using Riemann-Schwarz’s symmetry principle and the singularity analysis method of complex functions,the general solutions of the problem were presented.Numeric curves show that piezoelectricity has less effect on the interfacial crack opening displacement,while the numbers of screws dislocation and biomaterial properties have obvious effect on the interfacial crack opening displacement and the numbers of screw dislocations.
出处 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期60-65,共6页 Journal of Hunan University:Natural Sciences
关键词 残余应力 压电体 界面裂纹尖端撕开位移 螺型位错塞积群 裂纹尖端应力强度因子 residual stresses piezoelectric body interfacial crack opening displacement screw dislocation pile-up group stress intensity factor at the tip of crack
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