Objectives:To investigate the efficiency of the treatment of blowout fracture of the orbital floor with the assistance of nasal endoscope.Method:12 patients with pure blowout fracture of the orbital floor, age ranged from 12 to 49 yeas old,male 8 cases,female 4 caes,all of them had evident diplopia and enophthalmos. All of them underwent surgical treatment with the assistance of nasal endoscope in this study.Result:Of the 12 patients, 5 patients was completely recoveried from enophthalmes,4 paients had improved. 2 patients was recoveried from diplopia after surgery,3 patients recoveried 6 month to 1 year after surgery;6 patients still had diplopia of Ⅰ degree or Ⅱ degree 1 year after,1 patient still had diplopia of Ⅲ degree 1 year after .Conclusion:with the assistance of nasal endocope,good vision of the orbital floor and the herniated periorbital soft tissues can be obtained,hence promote the efficacy of the treatment.