目的探讨全数字乳腺摄像定位系统(FFDM)对临床触诊阴性乳腺癌的诊治价值。方法经FFDM检查发现临床触诊阴性乳腺癌患者32例,术前均采用FFDM定位系统行病灶穿刺导丝定位并标记病灶大小或X线立体定位穿刺局部美蓝染色后手术活检。结果 32例中,33个病灶均一次性定位成功。病理结果:浸润性导管癌7例,导管内癌伴局灶侵润8例;小叶原位癌1例;导管内癌伴Paget病1例;导管内癌15例(其中1例为双侧)。全组患者均接受了手术。结论 FFDM对临床触诊阴性的乳腺癌具有早期诊断价值。
Objective To investigate the value of full field digital mammography ( FFDM ) in diagnosis of clinically nonpalpable breast cancer.Methods Clinically nonpalpable breast cancer was found in 32 cases by FFDM.All the lesions were operated after being orientated either by wires or injection methylene blue guided by FFDM.Results The locations of 33 malignant lesions in 32 patients were located succeefully at the first time.Pathological diagnosis was invasive ductal adenocarcinoma in 7cases,intraductal carcinomas accompanying focal infiltration in 8 cases,lobular carcinoma in situ in 1 case,intraductal carcinoma accompanying Paget's disease in 1 case,intraductal carcinomas in 15 cases(1 bilateral lesions).Surgery was performed in all patients.Conclusion FFDM is valuable for early diagnosis of clinilally nonpalpable breast cancers.
Jiangsu Medical Journal