Firstly, according to the targets of the development 0f Shanghai city agricul-ture and by proceeding from the actual conditions,the fundamental connotation of city agri-culture is all-sidedly analyzed and delimited, the features, positions, functions, interrelations and various important factors of three types of city agriculture(produce type city agriculture,service type city agriculture and experience type city agriculture)are clearly advanced-Secondly,after relating the background and basic conditions of developing Shanghai city agriculture and proposing the overall policy of developing Shanghai city agriculture, it is clearly indicated that the development of produce type city agriculture should be considered as main body,the regional and positional dominances and other favorable conditions should be full utilized to develop the produce type city agriculture with main strength;the service type city agriculture should be actively developed based on tapping resource dominance and actual industrial features in different countries;the way to develop the experience type city agriculture should be probed boldly and actively under the conditions of lacking practice.Thirdly, it is indicated that there are three important works essential to the sustainable development of Shanghai city agriculture to be well done, that is,establishing the overall plan of developing city agriculture; building up a firm supporting mechanism for qualified sci-entists and technicians through tracing sclentific and technical progress and actively training appropriate talented personnel; perfecting governmental regulating mechanism by feasibly strengthening leadership.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
Shanghai agriculture
City agriculture
Produce type city agriculture
Service type city agriculture
Experience type city agriculture
Overall policy
Overall plan