Background and objective Surgery is the best treatment for early and middle stage non-small cell lung cancer.The aim of this study is to summarize the experience of bronchial sleeve mordality lobectomy and carinal resection in the treatment of 92 patients with central lung cancer from January,1996 to May,2010.Methods A total of 92 patients with central lung cancer underwent pulmonary resection.Carinal resection and reconstruction were performed in 14 patients,bronchial sleeve resection in 70 patients,and bronchial sleeve combined with pulmonary artery sleeve lobectomy in 8 patients.Results There was no operative mortality.The average operation time was 2 hours and 43 minutes.Postoperative complications such as pulmonary atelectasis occurred in 6.94% (7/92) of total group,and hoarseness in 4.35% (4/92).The 1,3 and 5 year survival rates were 80.7%,59.6% and 31.5%.Conclusion Bronchial sleeve lobectomy and double sleeve lobectomy are capable of excising pulmonary tumor as much as possible while remaining healthy lung tissues.Carinal resection and reconstruction is helpful to extend the surgical indication,and increase the chance of successful resection.
Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer
Lung neoplasms
Sleeve resection
Carinal resection