Radioprotectors from pyrodextrins
Radioprotectors from pyrodextrins
Cornstarch heated in the range of 230-280°C depolymerized into pyrodextrins characterized by two-component EPR signals of relatively stable free radicals.These thermally generated radicals could serve as efficient scavengers for free radicals generated from pyrodextrins with the 200 Gy dose of γ-radiation.The most efficient traps/scavengers were produced from cornstarch at 250-280°C.IR data indicated incorporation of the OH groups to the pyrodextrins.These groups most probably originated from the OH· radicals formed by the radiolysis of water.EPR spectra provided evidence for trapping free radicals generated by γ-irradiation and for their subsequent annihilation on contact with pyrodextrins.Water affected radical processes occurring in pyrodextrins caused by γ-irradiation.
Cornstarch heated in the range of 230-280℃ depolymerized into pyrodextrins characterized by two-component EPR signals of relatively stable free radicals. These thermally generated radicals could serve as efficient scavengers for free radicals generated from pyrodextrins with the 200 Gy dose of γ-radiation. The most efficient traps/scavengers were produced from cornstarch at 250-280℃. IR data indicated incorporation of the OH groups to the pyrodextrins. These groups most probably originated from the OH- radicals formed by the radiolysis of water. EPR spectra provided evidence for trapping free radicals generated by γ-irradiation and for their subsequent annihilation on contact with pyrodextrins. Water affected radical processes occurring in pyrodextrins caused by γirradiation.
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