
皮肤再生复原技术治疗面部烧伤的回顾分析 被引量:1

Retrospective Reviewing of Skin Regenerative Restoration Therapy in situ in Treating Facial Burns(Typical Cases Attached)
摘要 目的:回顾分析皮肤再生复原技术治疗面部烧伤的临床应用效果,总结人体面部烧伤创面的再生复原规律和实施规范。方法:根据徐荣祥教授人体再生复原科学理论和方法,通过临床研究课题组对规范应用"皮肤器官原位再生复原技术"治疗的968例样本资料进行统计学分析,论证皮肤原位再生复原疗法的理论基础和临床实用价值。结果:浅Ⅱ度创面5天~7天无瘢痕再生复原愈合,实现率为100%;深Ⅱ度创面16天~20天无瘢痕再生愈合,实现率为99.98%;浅Ⅲ度创面26天~32天无瘢痕再生愈合,实现率为97.90%;深Ⅲ度创面36天~42天无瘢痕或浅瘢痕再生愈合,实现率为81.87%,配合自体皮移植可达100%再生愈合,无明显毁容。伤后及时治疗与否、烧伤严重程度、年龄及患者原有健康状况对疗效均有影响,得到BRT治疗越早、烧伤严重程度越轻、年龄越小和越健康者效果越好。结论:潜能再生细胞理论和原位干细胞培植再生修复技术是烧伤皮肤再生复原技术的理论基础和实用医疗技术。烧伤创面的生理性原位皮肤再生修复需要具备三个条件:一是烧伤创面生理湿润环境的形成;二是原位培养角蛋白K-19型干细胞的再生物质和组织学基础;三是规范的皮肤再生医疗技术是创面生理性再生愈合的保证。皮肤再生复原疗法对烧伤创面愈合有明显促进作用,能使深度烧伤创面达到生理性再生复原愈合,认为皮肤原位再生复原技术是面部烧伤尤其是深Ⅱ度和浅Ⅲ度烧伤的首选方法。 Objective: To retrospectively review treating facial burns with Skin Regenerative Restoration Therapy in situ so as to summarize regenerative restoration laws and implementation norm of treating facial burns with the Therapy. Method: On the basis of statistical analysis large sample data of 968 cases treated with the Therapy, theoretical basis and clinical value of the Therapy were discussed according to the theory and method of Professor Xu's Human Regeneration and Restoration Science. Results : The results of this analysis demonstrated that the Skin Regenerative Restoration Therapy in situ, which targets at skin regeneration in situ by PRCS, was fully different from conventional west - medicine technique, the result of which was healing with scar fornlation. Of reviewed 968 cases, the regenerative healing rate was 100% for superficial Ⅱ degree burn wounds with healing time of 5 -7 days; for the deep Ⅱ degree burn wounds, it was 99. 98% with healing time of 16 - 20 days. while the healing rates for superficial Ⅲ degree burn and deep Ⅲ degree burn were 97.90% with 26 -32 days and 81.87% with 36 -42 days healing time respectively. If micro - skin grafting or mesh skin grafting were combined with the Therapy, regenerative healing rate even reached to 100% for both superficial and deep Ⅲ burns and no obvious dysfunction observed. Conclusion : Theory of PRCS is a tbeoretic basis of Burn Skin Regenerative Therapy and Stem cell regenerative restoration technique is a practical technique of physiologically regenerative restoration of burn skin. To realize the restoration, it needs three conditions: first, a moist physiological environment at burn wound site; second, regeneration material and histological basis of cultivating keratin 19 -type of stem cell in situ; last, standardized operation of Skin Regenerative Restoration Therapy in situ provides an assurance of physiological regenerative healing of burn wounds.
出处 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 2010年第6期428-433,共6页 The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers
关键词 皮肤器官 面部烧伤创面 原位再生复原技术 美宝湿润烧伤膏 Skin organ Facial burn wounds Skin Regenerative Restoration Therapy in situ MEBO ointment
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