
正交试验优选仙茅酚苷类成分的提取方法 被引量:5

Optimization of extraction process for phenolic glycosides from Rhizoma Curculigins by orthogonal test
摘要 目的研究仙茅酚苷类成分的最佳提取方法。方法以苔黑酚葡萄糖苷、仙茅苷、仙茅素3种酚苷类成分的含量为考察指标,以HPLC进行含量测定,采用正交试验确定仙茅酚苷类成分的最佳提取方法。各因素考察水平:乙醇浓度(50%、70%、95%)、提取次数(1、2、3次)、提取时间(1、1.5、2h)、溶剂用量(6、8、10倍量)。结果乙醇浓度、提取时间、提取次数和溶剂用量均影响仙茅酚苷类成分的提取效率,其中以乙醇浓度的影响最为显著。最佳提取方法为10倍量70%乙醇回流提取3次,每次2h。结论采用本研究方法能够充分提取仙茅的酚苷类化学成分。 Objective To optimize the extraction process for phenolic glycosides from Rhizoma Curculigins.Methods The contents of orcinol glucoside,curculigoside and curculigine were used as parameters,and they were determined by HPLC.The extraction conditions of phenolic glycosides from Rhizoma Curculigins were optimized using orthogonal design.The examined factors included concentration of ethanol(50%,70%,and 95%),extraction time(1,1.5,and 2 h),times of extraction(1,2,and 3),and solvent volume(6,8,and 10 times).Results The concentration of ethanol,extraction time,times of extraction and solvent volume significantly affected the extraction efficacy of phenolic glycosides in Rhizoma Curculigins,with the most prominent effect exerted by the ethanol concentration.The optimal extraction process was refluxing three times with 70% ethanol(10 times of solvent volume),for 2 h each time.Conclusion The present method can effectively extract phenolic glycosides from Rhizoma Curculigin,which paves a way for further research on phenolic glycosides in Rhizoma Curculigins
出处 《第二军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期1218-1223,共6页 Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金(81073115) 上海市基础研究重点项目(09JC1417600)~~
关键词 仙茅 酚苷 正交试验 提取法 Curculigo orchioides; phenolic glycosides; orthogonal test; extraction
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