earlymaturing potato as the material, this study was carried out by using the design of
orthogonal regression rotation with periods distribution of water and fertilizer (D), amount of
irrigation water (W), amount of N, K fertilizers and farm manure (M) five factors and five levels
under the greenhouse. The results show: (1) The water use efficiency (WUE) response of potato
to the five factors were in order of W>D>N>M>K. (2) On different amount of W, N, M, the WUE
can be raised greatly by choosing profit period distribution of water and fertilizers. Namely,
when the amount is low, the period of water and fertilizers application should be earlier; When
high, later. (3) The interaction rules of amount of W and N are as follows: high amount of W
and N results in the best interaction effect; moderate or low amount of W and N produces better
result; high W and low N, or low W and high N bring the lowest WUE. (4) The highest WUE of
the interaction of K and M was achieved on the moderate and high amount of them; the two
factors follow such rules: to achieve certain WUE, the reduction of WUE caused by one,s
decrease, can be compensated by the other`s increase.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas