
关于儿童模仿能力的理论解释模型及其研究展望 被引量:10

The Research on the Essence of Children's Imitation
摘要 模仿作为儿童的一种重要的社会认知能力一直是发展心理学的热门研究主题。关于模仿的意图理解模型强调了意图理解与掌握在模仿中的意义,即模仿者必须理解示范者的意图方能产生模仿的行为;关于模仿的观念运动模型则表明模仿动作是以被预见的方式予以表征的,其中动作目的位于整个动作序列的顶层而被观察模仿者优先复制。随着认知神经科学、心灵哲学等研究的不断深入,人们发现对行为与心理现象的研究需要回归到对"大脑神经系统与肉身"关系的阐明上,由此研究者们提出了具身模仿模型,认为通过自我与他人身体表象的中介作用,个体经由镜象神经元触发运动系统来直接体验他人的心理状态,包括意图、愿望等,从而进行精确模仿。研究者们甚至还确定了模仿的核心大脑皮层环路。具身模仿模型具有整合意图理解模型与观念运动模型的效力,但有关镜像神经元系统在个体发生学水平上的起源与发育,镜像神经元系统如何在复杂的社会认知情境中与基于逻辑推理的模仿互为补益等问题,仍有待研究者进一步探索与澄清。 Imitation is an important content of children's social cognition and always the attracting subjects in developmental psychology. In order to clear and definite the essence of children's imitation and it's specific mechanism, this paper begins with the review of the intention understanding framework of imitation and ideomotor framework of imitation, and based on these two models, affirms the intention of action and anticipated goal both play the important role in imitation. Then, it introduces the lastest progress in this field, the modle of embodied simulation, which suggested imitation may be a byproduct of the action of the mirror neuron system. Finally, the problems of the origin and development of the mirror neuron, the relationship of the embodied simulation and imitation based on logical reasoning as the developing prospect of children's imitation were discussed.
作者 陈巍
出处 《学前教育研究》 北大核心 2010年第12期21-26,共6页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 教育部"十五"科研规划项目(编号:FBB011469) 浙江省2008年社会科学学术著作出版资金资助项目(编号:08CBB41)的资助
关键词 模仿 意图理解 观念运动 镜像神经元 具身模仿 imitation, intention understanding, ideomotor, mirror neuron, embodied simulation
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