
高灵敏中子剂量当量率仪宽能区响应函数曲线的校准 被引量:2

Calibration of Wide Range Energy Response for a Neutron Dose Equivalent Meter of High Sensitivity
摘要 参考国家相关标准和国际标准化组织(ISO)及国际电工委员会(IEC)对中子剂量当量(率)仪校准的相应标准,对已设计加工组装完毕的一台长圆柱型、较大体积高灵敏中子剂量当量率仪在宽能区(热中子~20MeV)内进行了能量响应和剂量灵敏度的实验校准。能谱响应函数曲线实验校准采用参考仪器和监测仪器归一校准法,利用实验和理论计算方法确定了NH-1型中子剂量当量率仪在较宽能区(热中子~20MeV)内的能量响应曲线;并给出了仪器的综合灵敏度48.9cps/(μSv.h-1)以及在3种特征能谱中的剂量响应。 Based on the corresponding standards of the National Standardization Organizations, the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission, for Neutron Dosimetry Calibration, the energy response of a well-designed and manufactured neutron dose equivalent meter with high sensitivity, which is of cylindrical type and large volume, is calibrated on a wide energy range (from thermal energy to 20 MeV), and this dose meter has been put into on-site application. The calibration methods, ex- perimental progranl, results and analysis are mainly introduced, which can make sure the comprehensive sensitivity of neutron dose equivalent 48.9 cps/(μSv· h-1 ) as well as dose equivalent responses in three characteristic neutron spectrum fields.
出处 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期335-340,349,共7页 Radiation Protection
基金 中核预研项目(4160205030309)
关键词 实验校准 高灵敏度 校准标准 Calibration Experiment High Sensitivity Calibration Standard
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