
意大利图书馆的电子图书建设及启示 被引量:3

Development of E-Books in Italian Libraries and Its Enlightenment
摘要 意大利的电子图书建设起步较晚,2002年以后,一些大学图书馆先后开展了电子图书试验建设项目,并与本国出版商Casalini合作开发意大利语电子图书项目。在意大利政府的支持下,意大利国家图书馆还与谷歌公司合作,推进、加快古代文献的数字化。电子图书的可持续发展需要利益攸关各方的沟通协作,寻求共同解决方案。意大利政、学、企三方共同开展图书馆电子图书建设的做法值得我国参考借鉴。 Though the development of e-books started relatively late in Italy, many university libraries have carried out pilot projects of e-books and cooperated with publisher Casalini for developing e-books in Italy since 2002. With supports by the Italian government, National Library of Italy works together with Google to speed up the digitization of ancient documents. The development of e-books in Italy needs synergies among different stakeholders to seek common solutions. Joint efforts among government, universities and business in developing e-books in libraries are worth learning for China.
作者 刘华 徐刘靖
机构地区 上海大学图书馆
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第11期39-41,共3页 Library Development
关键词 电子图书 意大利图书馆 电子图书建设 E-book Italian library Development of e-book
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