
预算过程:从渐进主义到间断式平衡 被引量:6

The Budget Process:From Incrementalism to Punctuated Equilibrium
摘要 由于没有明确非渐进性变化在预算过程中的存在及其发生机制,渐进预算理论被认为可能无法对预算过程做出完整描述和解释。间断平衡理论从渐进预算理论面临的这一挑战中找到了自己的理论使命,即建构一个可以同时对预算过程稳定的渐进性与偶尔的重大变迁加以描述和解释的理论框架。以注意力为驱动、议程设置为基础、结合了政治制度与有限理性决策的间断平衡理论给公共预算研究注入了新鲜血液。 The incremental theory of budgeting is considered to be unable to completely describe and analyze the budget process because that the existence and the mechanism of nonincremental change is not be clarified.Punctuated equilibrium theory finds its mission of theory from the challenge of the theory of incremental budgeting that is to construct a theoretical framework to describe and explain the characteristics of incremental and radical change of the budget process simultaneously.With its foundations in both political institutions and bounded rational decision-making,punctuated equilibrium's attention-driven,agenda-based budget model encourages new blood into the research of public budgeting.
作者 於莉
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期830-835,共6页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(2009JJD810017)
关键词 预算过程 渐进预算理论 间断平衡理论 budget process the theory of incremental budgeting punctuated equilibrium theory
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