
学生综合素质测评制度对大学生志愿行为影响的实证分析 被引量:9

A Empirical Study on Effects of the University Comprehensive Quality Appraisal to Volunteering of College Students
摘要 学生综合素质测评制度是高校教育管理制度的重要组成部分,对大学生的评奖评优至关重要,志愿活动是该制度的重要指标之一。基于"大学学生综合素质测评制度会诱导大学生志愿行为"的假设,就学生综合素质测评制度对大学生志愿行为影响的实证分析表明。学生综合素质测评制度对大学生的志愿行为存在一定的诱导作用。它具体表现在大学生对学生综合素质测评制度的认知和认同两个方面,大学生对学生综合素质测评制度的认知和认同程度越高,其对志愿行为的诱导作用越显著。 The university comprehensive quality appraisal is the important part of higher education management institutions,which is significant for college students to apply for awards.Especially volunteering is one of the key indicators of the comprehensive quality appraisal.Based on the assumption that the comprehensive quality appraisal institution will induce volunteering of college students,this paper explores effects of the university comprehensive quality appraisal to volunteering of college students with quantitative analysis.It has been testified that the university comprehensive quality appraisal could induce volunteering of college students.The cognition and identity of college students to the university comprehensive quality appraisal are the two main sides.The result shows that the more cognition and identity to the comprehensive quality appraisal,the more volunteering that college students involve.
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期67-73,共7页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划教育部青年专项课题(EIA080274) 中央财经大学"211工程"三期重点学科建设项目(09SH003)
关键词 志愿行为 学生综合素质测评制度 制度主义 诱导机制 volunteering the university comprehensive quality appraisal institutionalism induction mechanism
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