
在机检测中基于CVT结构的可展曲面采样策略 被引量:3

Sampling Strategy Based on CVT for Developable Surfaces in On-machine Verification
摘要 根据采样策略进行采样点的选择和布局,是在机检测系统中进行测量轨迹规划的重要前提之一。针对一般随机采样方法的局限性,给出了基于CVT结构采样法的定义,分析了CVT结构采样法和可展曲面的特点,提出了基于CVT结构的可展曲面采样策略。将基于CVT结构采样方法与Hammersley序列采样法、Halton序列采样法进行了比较,结果表明,基于CVT结构采样方法比其他采样方法具有更为良好的采样点分布。 It is one of the important preconditions for inspection path planning in the on-machine verification system(OMVS)that the selection and distribution of sampling points according to the sampling strategy.The definition of the sampling strategy based on CVT was introduced aiming at the limitation of common random sampling strategy.The characteristics of the sampling strategy based on CVT and the distinguishing features of developable surfaces were analyzed.A sampling strategy based on the CVT for developable surfaces was proposed.The experimental results were given compared with the sampling strategy based on Hammersley sequence and the sampling strategy based on Halton sequence.The experiments show that the sampling strategy based on CVT is better than other sampling strategies at sampling point distribution.
机构地区 天津大学
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第22期2652-2656,共5页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50975193 50975200) 国家科技重大专项(2009ZX04014-021)
关键词 在机检测 CVT结构 采样策略 采样点分布 可展面 on-machine verification centroidal voronoi tessellations(CVT) sampling strategy sample point distribution developable surface
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