
生态营养对急性胃黏膜损伤大鼠氧自由基表达的影响 被引量:4

Effect of econutrition on reactive oxygen species (ROS) in rats with acute gastric mucosal lesion
摘要 目的探讨生态营养对急性胃黏膜损伤大鼠氧自由基水平的影响,以验证生态营养对胃黏膜的保护作用。方法将54只大鼠随机分为创伤对照组(I组)、肠内营养组(EN组)和生态营养组(EC组),每组各18只,建立重型颅脑损伤致急性胃黏膜损伤动物模型。EC组喂养三九全营素加贝飞达;EN组喂养三九全营素;I组喂等量生理盐水,分别于创伤喂养后第1、3、5天取标本,观察三组的胃黏膜溃疡指数(UI),检测胃黏膜丙二醛(MDA)和一氧化氮(NO)含量。每组每个时相点选6只完成测量。结果三组胃黏膜UI、MDA和NO比较,时间主效应和干预主效应差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论给重型颅脑损伤致急性胃黏膜损伤大鼠补充生态营养能减少氧自由基MDA、NO产生,从而减轻重型颅脑损伤后并发急性胃黏膜损伤的程度。 Objective To observe effect of econutrition on reactive oxygen species(ROS)in rats with acute gastric mucosal lesion(AGML).Methods Totally,54 SD rats were used to build up model of AGML,which was induced by severe craniocerebral injury.After that,the 54 rats were equally and randomly divided into a control group,an enteral nutrition(EN)group and an econutrition(EC)group.Group EC were fed with Trensine and Bifid Triple Viable Capsules,Group EN were fed with Trensine only,and the control group were fed with equal amount of normal saline.Gastric mucosa specimens were taken on the 1st,3rd and 5th day of Post-traumatic feeding.The ulcer index(UI)of the gastric mucosa was observed and the contents of malonaldehyde(MDA)and nitric oxide(NO)were detected.On every timepoint,6 rats from each group were sacrificed.Results There were significant diffe-rences in the interventional effect and time effect among the 3 groups for UI of gastric mucosa,and level of MDA and NO(P 0.05 for all).Conclusion Feeding with econutrition in rats with AGML can decrease such ROS contents as MDA and NO,thus reducing the extent of AGML after severe craniocerebral injury.
出处 《护理学杂志》 2010年第22期3-5,共3页
关键词 SD大鼠 重型颅脑损伤 急性胃黏膜损伤 益生菌 肠内营养 溃疡指数 胃黏膜丙二醛 一氧化氮 动物实验 SD rats severe craniocerebral injury acute gastric mucosal lesion probiotics enteral nutrition ulcer index malonaldehyde nitric oxide animal experiment
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